Why do people typically seek therapy?

People seek therapy for a variety of reasons, but most importantly to have a dedicated space to care for mental health, to have a professional and unbiased person hold space for your thoughts and ideas, to adopt individualized coping skills and psycho-education, and to gain a better understanding of yourself: thoughts, feelings, sensations, and behaviors. People typically seek therapy when they are experiencing overwhelming emotions, thoughts or sensations, feeling “off”, going through a life transition such as starting a new job/loss of job, moving, relationship shifts, etc. Some come simply to prioritize self-care and overall wellness.

What to expect in my first session?

I provide a free 30 minute consultation phone call so we can get to know each other, I can answer any and all questions you may have, and you get to assess if I am a good fit for you.
If you decide to continue, we will schedule our first intake session, we will meet via video and spend time building rapport, understanding what brought you to therapy, and how together, we can establish a plan, goals, and or intention to support your journey to feeling more fulfilled and balanced.

What is the duration, and how long should I expect to be in therapy?

Sessions are ~50 minutes long. Typically clients meet weekly, but the frequency is always up to the client and or suggestion by therapist to ensure that clinically you are receiving the support you deserve. I have clients that often move to bi-weekly or even monthly after working together for a period of time. Others that may come sporadically for “refreshers” or even some that meet twice weekly. We will work together to find a plan that supports your individual needs.

Is Tele-Therapy HIPAA compliant and successful?

Yes, and yes! I utilize all HIPAA compliant platforms for client portal and signing electronic documents as well as for video sessions. Tele-therapy has been shown to be just as effective as in-person therapy, and provides extreme flexibility and opportunity to meet in your own space and on your own time. I am personally amazed at the success and growth of my clients, especially during a pandemic.

What are your fees/payments? Do you take insurance?
Cancellation policy?

Our initial phone consultation is FREE. Afterward, the rate is $150/hour.
I am also in network with BCBS Illinois PPO, with BCBS Massachusetts, and Optum United Healthcare. I can also provide invoices or superbills for you to submit to out-of-network providers on your own for reimbursement.
There is a 24 hour cancellation policy for scheduled sessions. Otherwise, a one hour rate will be charged.